
You are my Sunshine

A friend of mine asked me last night to decorate the nursery for her little lady who will be making her debut at the end of September. I'm so excited to start!! I've spent the last hour plus looking up ideas. The color pallet we are leaning towards is yellows and grays. Love it.

When I think of yellow and gray for a nursery the first idea I had was the theme "You are my sunshine" like the children's song.

You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away

We sing this to Rhett almost everyday. :) 

Looking at all these adorable nursery's is making me want another little one.
But shh...don't tell Jake...we aren't quite ready to have another baby. :) 

And I know this isn't a nursery, but I couldn't help but love it at first sight.

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