
Country Hutch (and good news)

After much frustration, a few tears and some wood glue the hutch is finally ready to make her debut and I'm so proud of her.

She's rustic and homey and classy all at the same time.*

Every time I finish a piece I stand and inspect it from a distance and then inspect it up close. All the nooks, crannies  surfaces, screws everything and start critiquing it. This could be smoother, this screw isn't in quite straight, I'm not sure if I got this spot with two coats. And it goes on and on.

It really is true that you are your own worse critic. 
I'm learning to stand back and say it's "perfect enough". 

And now for the good news! We got accepted to have a shop at the local  Farmer's Market! (500 West center Street in Provo) We'll be there on June 25th from 9AM to 2PM. Come on by and say hi! Mention that your a reader and you'll get 10% off anything you purchase. :) And this hutch will be there too. :)

* For more information on the hutch, look under the "For Sale" tab at the top of the page.

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